Friday 14 March 2008

Ooh, so the album recording went more-than-well! Brace yourselves, some gi-huge things went on that night. I'm spent, and stoked, and loving every bit.

Oh and, yes, i was at Bondi Beach yesterday and yes, Jack Johnson is cool and yes, we conversed in the lobby of the hotel that the Youth Alive Conference is running at (where i was at). I'm pretty well stoked! Yah. A schweeeet day topped off with a perfect night on the beach for Elin's birthday. And she even blew some candles out. On the beach. Very nice.

My facespace should have photos soon i'm sure.

Again, must sleep. Life is so good. Learning so much. You're awesome.


Terri, my beautiful sister, happy 21st!

1 comment:

Terri Lee Wynn said...

ah thanks Ry! did you say you met Jack J?